President’s Corner
TelCoa thanks U.S. Representatives Jim Himes, Rosa DeLauro, and Elizabeth Esty for introducing the Multi-State Worker Tax Fairness Act, H.R. 4085, 113th Congress. We strongly support this crucial legislation. The bill would finally eliminate the telecommuter tax, a steep penalty often resulting in double taxation of income that interstate telecommuters earn at home. The telecommuter tax unfairly burdens telecommuters and their employers and limits telework adoption. Congress must make the Multi-State Worker Tax Fairness Act law! TelCoa and other advocates are working to secure the bill’s enactment, but we need your help! >>> Read More...
Guest Columnist
4 Great Examples of Telework’s Impact by: Brie Weiler Reynolds As champions of telecommuting and flexible work options for all, we certainly don’t have to tell TelCoa readers about the benefits of telework--we all know and love them. But as organizations like ours work to spread awareness of, and support for, flexible ways of working, it’s really important to remember the individuals for whom we work--the millions of professionals whose lives would be positively impacted by more access to telework and flexible jobs. At 1 Million for Work Flexibility, we hear daily from supporters about why they support the expansion of flexible work options for all. Here are four great examples of why work flexibility, including telework, is vitally important to individuals, to companies, and to society. >>> Read the entire blog at...
Hot Topics & Links
"Working from home not for everyone, but it can still be a 'win-win' for many workers and employers" is an article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer featuring TelCoa President Chuck Wilsker and Advisory Board member Diane Stegmeier. For the complete article, > click-here... -------------------------

Advisory Board

Click on a name to see the complete bio. 


Gary Arlen, Senior Broadband Advisor, The Telework Coalition; President, Arlen Communications. ([email protected])


Nicole Belson Goluboff, Esq. Legislative Advisor; author of The Law of Telecommuting (ALI-ABA 2001) and its Supplement (2004), which concern the legal consequences of telecommuting for both employers and employees, and Telecommuting for Lawyers (American Bar Association, 1998). ([email protected])


Susan Harrington, MS, PE, Health, Safety, and Ergonometric Advisor; Co- founder and President of Harrington Software Associates, Inc., ([email protected])


John Vivadelli, Hoteling Advisor, founder and CEO of AgilQuest; ([email protected])


Michael Amigoni, Michael Amigoni, Independent Consultant Virtual Call Centers.   [email protected] or C: 913-302-8876


Lon Anderson, Director, Public & Government Relations, AAA Mid-Atlantic. ([email protected])


Monica L. Babine, Senior Associate, Program for Digital Initiatives, Division of Governmental Studies & Services, Washington State University Extension & College of Liberal Arts. Serves as the telework expert on of the Washington State Interagency Commute Trip Reduction Board. ([email protected])


Joshua Ball, Distance Earning Business Specialist, Eastern Kentucky Distance Earning Initiative, ([email protected])


Eddie Caine, Professional Services, Valley Metro, Regional Public Transportation Authority;  past President of ITAC;  co-founder of the Arizona Telecommuting Advisory Council.([email protected])


Jose Calero, President and Founder, LapWorks Inc., ([email protected])


Frank W. Connolly, Esq., Senior Council, Hilton Worldwide ; Subject Matter Expert on legal and HR issues affecting telework.([email protected])


Gerry Connolly (D-VA), United States Congressman, previous Chairman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors,  recipient of The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ Scull Award, the region’s highest award for leadership, for his work on promoting telework/telecommuting throughout the Metropolitan Washington Region.


Debra A. Dinnocenzo , President, VirtualWorks!, Author of “101 Tips for Telecommuters”, ([email protected])


Michael Dziak, Chief Operating Officer,, Inc. ([email protected])


John M. H. Edwards, co-founder , The Telework Coalition, President & CEO Telework Network and Telework Analytics, Inc.;  Chairman, Telecommuting Task Force, Northern Virginia Technology Council; Past President, International Telework Association & Council (ITAC), Past President, Mid Atlantic Telework Advisory Council. ([email protected])


Fred Ewald, Consultant/Project Manager, ARCCA Inc., ([email protected])


John P. Fineran,President & CEO, FinTel Communications, a technology brokerage firm, ([email protected])


Lawrence (Larry) R. Freedman, Attorney and Partner, Law firm of Edwards, Angell, Palmer & Dodge LLP, Chair of the telecommunications group. General Counsel to FOCUS, Fiber Optic Communities of the United States ([email protected])


Bob Fortier, President of InnoVisions Canada, President and Founder of the Canadian Telework Association, ([email protected])


Tony Gill, Enterprise Specialist, Business Continuity Management, BMO Financial Group, ([email protected])


Jay John Hellman, Ph.D., Founder and President, The Hellman Company, inc., Creator of “Virtual Adjacency“. (jay[email protected])


Frank Leonetti, MBCI, CBCP, Practice Manager, Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery, Oracle, Professional Services. ([email protected])


Julia Loughran,President, ThoughtLink, Inc.,  ([email protected])


Gail Martin, Former Executive Director, ITAC; Vice President, Giuffrida Associates. ([email protected])


Phil Montero,“The Mobile Man”; Speaker, Coach, Consultant and Author. ([email protected])


Jason Morwick, Co-Author: “Making Telework Work” Davies-Black, 2009, who along with Dr. Evan H. Offstein, Ph.D., SPHR (both graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Point), are champions of the role leadership plays in making distributed work a reality.   ([email protected])


Mary Naylor, CEO and Co-Founder of VIPdesk. ([email protected])


Alex Salamon, Senior Vice President of Global Sales at Rev2. ([email protected])


N. J. Slabbert, a research scholar on technology and infrastructure development. ([email protected].)


Diane Stegmeier, is founder of Stegmeier Consulting Group, a consultancy centered on change management and organizational effectiveness. She is the author of Innovations in Office Design. ([email protected])


Doug Strahan, President and Chief Executive Officer, Aptela, Inc., ([email protected])



Dan Wallis, Director of Technology for KP OnCall, a wholly owned subsidiary of Kaiser Permanente that provides nurse triage and advice to over 4 million members. ([email protected])


Jeff Zbar, Telework Journalist, writer of “Home Base,” the teleworking advice column, Network World’s Net.Worker; Author, U.S. Small Business Administration’s 2001 Small Business Journalist of the Year.([email protected])


And in our hearts and memories, the late:

Bob de Lorenzi,Technical Advisor, The Telework Coalition; President and CEO, Patriot Computing Group.

Alex Salamon, Senior Vice President, Global Sales at Rev2
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