The Telework Coalition America's Leading Nonprofit Telework Education and Advocacy Organization Tue, 26 May 2020 01:25:06 -0400 en-US hourly 1 How Flexibility Can Boost Employee Productivity Thu, 07 Jul 2011 17:14:34 +0000 Jun. 29 2011 If you’ve squeezed all the productivity gains you can out of your workforce or the people around you are stressed out or disengaged, we’ve got some advice: Be more flexible about how, when and where your employees work. Click here for entire article

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Jun. 29 2011
If you’ve squeezed all the productivity gains you can out of your workforce or the people around you are stressed out or disengaged, we’ve got some advice: Be more flexible about how, when and where your employees work.

Click here for entire article

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Report Shows Willingness to Take a Pay Cut to Work from Home Thu, 12 May 2011 16:46:48 +0000 Dice, “the career hub for tech™”, has come out with a report titled Remote Control. In this report they say “Less than one percent or 500 of the total jobs posted on Dice mention telecommuting as an option. Yet, more than one-third of technology professionals said they’d cut their salary by up to 10 percent […]

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Dice, “the career hub for tech™”, has come out with a report titled Remote Control.

In this report they say “Less than one percent or 500 of the total jobs posted on Dice mention telecommuting as an option. Yet, more than one-third of technology professionals said they’d cut their salary by up to 10 percent in exchange for telecommuting full-time. What’s remarkable is that even after two years of flattish compensation, technology professionals are
willing to sacrifice $7,800 on average to work from home.

You can read the entire report here:Dice Telework Report April 2011

Would you take a 10% pay cut to work full time from home?

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Number of Teleworkers Expected to Increase Mon, 25 Apr 2011 03:58:45 +0000 2011, A forecast from TechCast at George Washington University said that:  ‘While a recent survey found that less than 4 % of U.S. private sector workers actually work from home, that figure could reach as high as 30 % by 2019′.   Gartner: ‘this drive to mobility will become a $1 trillion market in the […]

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2011, A forecast from TechCast at George Washington University said that:  ‘While a recent survey found that less than 4 % of U.S. private sector workers actually work from home, that figure could reach as high as 30 % by 2019′.

Gartner: ‘this drive to mobility will become a $1 trillion market in the next four years.’  And that ‘within this decade, most, if not all workers will be mobile to some degree.’

40 percent of the workforce, representing 33 million Americans, has jobs that can be performed remotely either part time or full time.
TelCoa’s 2008 recommendation to members was also that at least: 40% of an organization’s workforce (whose jobs can be performed from home) should be full-time Work@Home™ employees.

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Gas Prices Drive More Innovation Sun, 20 Mar 2011 19:27:32 +0000   TelCoa’s research has revealed the ‘average commuting motorist’ spends 17% of his/her take home pay getting to and from their centralized place of employment.  But that was before the price of gasoline approached $4 per gallon.  Many throughout the nation are re-discovering the ‘cost avoidance’ of telework or working from their homes as more and […]

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TelCoa’s research has revealed the ‘average commuting motorist’ spends 17% of his/her take home pay getting to and from their centralized place of employment.  But that was before the price of gasoline approached $4 per gallon.  Many throughout the nation are re-discovering the ‘cost avoidance’ of telework or working from their homes as more and more motorists are trying to think of ways to spend less time behind the wheel.

One significant way to reduce fuel consumption is to reduce the number of trips we make to and from work.

We welcome your thoughts and comments on this.


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Improving Quality of Life Through Telecommuting Sun, 05 Dec 2010 11:00:03 +0000 The following is a paper written by Wendell Cox for The Information Technology & Innovatition Foundation The number of jobs filled by telecommuters could grow nearly four-fold to 19 million and deliver substantial economic, environmental and quality of life benefits for the United States over the next 12 years. Thanks to its potential to cut […]

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The following is a paper written by Wendell Cox for The Information Technology & Innovatition Foundation

The number of jobs filled by telecommuters could grow nearly four-fold to 19 million and deliver substantial economic, environmental and quality of life benefits for the United States over the next 12 years. Thanks to its potential to cut costs, increase productivity, and expand the supply of potential employees, telecommuting is emerging as a standard business strategy for a large number of organizations. Spurred by advances in information technology, especially the spread of broadband services, telecommuting is the fastest growing mode of getting from home to work. Facilitated by continued expansion in broadband, especially higher speed broadband, telecommuting is poised to become more popular than transit and non-household car pools as a means of accessing work.
Click here to read the entire paper.

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Telcoa Study Finds Telework to Be Mainstream Sun, 05 Dec 2010 09:00:46 +0000  This benchmarking study was conducted with employers in both the public and private sectors with large telework programs. They represent more than 500,000 employees and almost 150,000 teleworkers and mobile workers. Interviews were done with  telework program managers. The study, sponsored by Intel,  looked at how these large organizations addressed and overcame obstacles and […]

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This benchmarking study was conducted with employers in both the public and private sectors with large telework programs. They represent more than 500,000 employees and almost 150,000 teleworkers and mobile workers. Interviews were done with  telework program managers.

The study, sponsored by Intel,  looked at how these large organizations addressed and overcame obstacles and objections to create successful programs that benefit both the organization and its employees through reduced real estate costs, increased employee retention, and a much higher rate of employee satisfaction.

Although this study was conducted five years ago, follow up conversations with participants show that all of the conclusions reached are as relevant today as when the study was conducted.

For copy of the report email contact info including name, title, and organization to: [email protected].

Press Release

Executive Summary

For the complete report, Members click here.

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