Fred Ewald
Professional Experience Summary
Mr. Ewald leads telework consulting activities for ARCCA Inc.. He provides alternative work strategy consulting and training services to a variety of public and private sector clients. He has over 20 years of human resource related experience that includes human resource planning, staffing strategies, and performance improvement.
Relevant Experience
Mr. Ewald manages projects for small large organizations that include development of telework and alternative work strategy programs. Working with senior management he provides organizational guidance, program assessment, action planning, program implementation and evaluation. He completes organizational assessments and identifies program effect on policies and procedures. He is adept in soliciting responses concerning critical success factors, barriers to successful program implementation, and potential impact on process and productivity. Mr. Ewald provides benchmarking to identify critical success factors and “best practices.”
Seminar and Training Experience
Mr. Ewald is an experienced training and seminar leader with a thorough understanding of alternate work and schedule strategies, including teleworking. He has assisted clients through various teleworking activities, facilitated focus groups and led seminars. Mr. Ewald’s presentation style is relaxed, yet professional. His long-time human resources background coupled with his consulting experience results in a seminar leader who is highly responsive to audience concerns and yet capable of firmly, but unobtrusively guiding a seminar to a successful conclusion.
Mr. Ewald developed curriculum for orientation seminars (up to a half-day) and full day training seminars. Both are designed with a variety of activities to encourage individual participation and group interaction. Mr. Ewald adjusts the mix of lecture and participation exercises dependent on timeframe allowances. He has developed and used a variety of training tools, manuals, and materials to facilitate the training process.
Mr. Ewald facilitated the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Telework Employer Seminars for four consecutive years and received high evaluation marks. He directed telework program development and orientation and training for variety of companies and agencies as part of COG’s and Baltimore Metropolitan Council’s Telework Demonstration Projects. He has facilitated training sessions for a number of Federal Agencies and private sector and non-profit organizations.
Education: B.A., Economics/Business Administration, Moravian College